Design Object

Contains design details for the solar system.

Table of Design Object

Value NameDescriptionValue Type
arraysDescribes individual solar arrays in the system. Here is a detailed description of data within the array.array
offsetOffset for solar data, a decimal representing percentage.float
sourceInformation about the origin of the data or design.object
batteryList of batteries used in the system. If no batteries are selected the value will be an empty array.array
utilityUtility company details.object
batteriesList of batteries used in the system. If no batteries are selected the value will be an empty array.array
invertersList of inverters used in the system.array
batteryCountThe number of batteries in the system.integer
mountingTypeThe type of mounting used for the solar panels.string
roofMaterialThe material of the roof where the panels are mounted.string
inverterCountThe total number of inverters in the system.integer
consumptionProfileA detailed object containing information about energy consumption and tariffs. Here is a detailed description of data within the array.object
firstYearProductionEstimated energy production in the first year.float
totalSystemSizeWattsThe size of the system in watts.float
cumulativeSystemSizeWattsThe size of the system in watts.float

Example of Design Object

"design": {
						"arrays": [
								"name": "Array 1",
								"tsrf": null,
								"pitch": null,
								"module": {
									"id": "1324ab1b-3210-12ac-123d-1234567f8ac9",
									"name": "QCELL Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+/TS 405",
									"model": "Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ 405",
									"width": 1045,
									"length": 1879,
									"capacity": 405,
									"efficiency": 0.206,
									"degradation": 0.005,
									"manufacturer": "Hanwha Q Cells"
								"azimuth": null,
								"production": 13.5,
								"moduleCount": 10,
								"inverterIndex": 0
						"offset": 0.0009905333887585924,
						"source": {
							"tool": "SELF_SUBMITTED"
						"battery": [],
						"utility": {
								"id": "0abcd01c-234b-56cd-7890-123a4b5c67d8",
								"name": "Enerflo Power and Light",
								"genabilityId": 0001
						"batteries": [],
						"inverters": [
								"id": "280b7357-aae5-4864-a436-56aa886e4e7c",
								"name": "Enphase IQ8+",
								"model": "IQ8PLUS-72-2-US",
								"isMicro": true,
								"acOutput": 440,
								"efficiency": 0.97,
								"manufacturer": "Enphase"
						"batteryCount": 0,
						"mountingType": "ROOF",
						"roofMaterial": "ASPHALT_SHINGLES",
						"inverterCount": 10,
						"consumptionProfile": {
							"id": "1a123bcd-10a1-12be-a23e-1234acb53ba4",
							"rate": 0.16,
							"title": "Default Consumption Profile",
							"tariff": {
								"lseId": 2654,
								"tariffId": 3463777,
								"tariffName": "Residential",
								"effectiveDate": "2024-02-01",
								"masterTariffId": 355
							"utility": {
								"id": "0abcd01c-234b-56cd-7890-123a4b5c67d8",
								"name": "Enerflo Power and Light",
								"genabilityId": 0001
							"annualBill": 2295.67005892,
							"consumption": [
							"buildingArea": 1704,
							"postSolarRate": 0.16009294552803613,
							"postSolarTariff": {
								"lseId": 2654,
								"tariffId": 3463777,
								"tariffName": "Residential",
								"effectiveDate": "2024-02-01",
								"masterTariffId": 355
							"postSolarUtility": null,
							"annualConsumption": 13629.02064,
							"averageMonthlyBill": 191.31,
							"averageUtilityRate": 0.16,
							"averageMonthlyConsumption": 1135.75
						"firstYearProduction": 13.5,
						"totalSystemSizeWatts": 4050,
						"cumulativeSystemSizeWatts": 4050