Design Object
Contains design details for the solar system.
Table of Design Object
Value Name | Description | Value Type |
arrays | Describes individual solar arrays in the system. Here is a detailed description of data within the array. | array |
offset | Offset for solar data, a decimal representing percentage. | float |
source | Information about the origin of the data or design. | object |
battery | List of batteries used in the system. If no batteries are selected the value will be an empty array. | array |
utility | Utility company details. | object |
batteries | List of batteries used in the system. If no batteries are selected the value will be an empty array. | array |
inverters | List of inverters used in the system. | array |
batteryCount | The number of batteries in the system. | integer |
mountingType | The type of mounting used for the solar panels. | string |
roofMaterial | The material of the roof where the panels are mounted. | string |
inverterCount | The total number of inverters in the system. | integer |
consumptionProfile | A detailed object containing information about energy consumption and tariffs. Here is a detailed description of data within the array. | object |
firstYearProduction | Estimated energy production in the first year. | float |
totalSystemSizeWatts | The size of the system in watts. | float |
cumulativeSystemSizeWatts | The size of the system in watts. | float |
Example of Design Object
"design": {
"arrays": [
"name": "Array 1",
"tsrf": null,
"pitch": null,
"module": {
"id": "1324ab1b-3210-12ac-123d-1234567f8ac9",
"name": "QCELL Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+/TS 405",
"model": "Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ 405",
"width": 1045,
"length": 1879,
"capacity": 405,
"efficiency": 0.206,
"degradation": 0.005,
"manufacturer": "Hanwha Q Cells"
"azimuth": null,
"production": 13.5,
"moduleCount": 10,
"inverterIndex": 0
"offset": 0.0009905333887585924,
"source": {
"battery": [],
"utility": {
"id": "0abcd01c-234b-56cd-7890-123a4b5c67d8",
"name": "Enerflo Power and Light",
"genabilityId": 0001
"batteries": [],
"inverters": [
"id": "280b7357-aae5-4864-a436-56aa886e4e7c",
"name": "Enphase IQ8+",
"model": "IQ8PLUS-72-2-US",
"isMicro": true,
"acOutput": 440,
"efficiency": 0.97,
"manufacturer": "Enphase"
"batteryCount": 0,
"mountingType": "ROOF",
"roofMaterial": "ASPHALT_SHINGLES",
"inverterCount": 10,
"consumptionProfile": {
"id": "1a123bcd-10a1-12be-a23e-1234acb53ba4",
"rate": 0.16,
"title": "Default Consumption Profile",
"tariff": {
"lseId": 2654,
"tariffId": 3463777,
"tariffName": "Residential",
"effectiveDate": "2024-02-01",
"masterTariffId": 355
"utility": {
"id": "0abcd01c-234b-56cd-7890-123a4b5c67d8",
"name": "Enerflo Power and Light",
"genabilityId": 0001
"annualBill": 2295.67005892,
"consumption": [
"buildingArea": 1704,
"postSolarRate": 0.16009294552803613,
"postSolarTariff": {
"lseId": 2654,
"tariffId": 3463777,
"tariffName": "Residential",
"effectiveDate": "2024-02-01",
"masterTariffId": 355
"postSolarUtility": null,
"annualConsumption": 13629.02064,
"averageMonthlyBill": 191.31,
"averageUtilityRate": 0.16,
"averageMonthlyConsumption": 1135.75
"firstYearProduction": 13.5,
"totalSystemSizeWatts": 4050,
"cumulativeSystemSizeWatts": 4050
Updated 7 months ago