Enerflo 1.0 Event Definitions
Event Label | Event Name | Description of Trigger | Who will receive this Webhook Event? (Sale Org, EPC Installer, or Both) | Data Dictionary Links |
New Customer | new_customer | The first step in the Enerflo flow starts with a new customer/lead. | Sales Org | New Customer Example |
Update Customer | update_customer | If more information is added or changed to an existing customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | Update Customer Example |
New Install | new_install | Installs happen after an agreement is signed by the customer/lead. See this guide for more info. | Both | New Install Example |
Submit Install | submit_install | Triggered after the agreement is signed, and they have the standard next steps page when they push the submit button. | Both | |
Update Install | update_install | If more information is added or changed to an existing install for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Both | Update Install Example |
Restore Install | restore_install | After the install is completed the contract can be made void and recreated for a customer/lead. | Both | |
New Install Note | new_install_note | When a new note is created for an install project. Be mindful of the distinction between this event and the new_note event. | Both | New Install Note Example |
Signed Change Order | signed_change_order | After the install is completed updates to the system can be made for a customer/lead. | Both | Signed Change Order Example |
New Appointment | new_appointment | After a customer/lead has been created an appointment can be made in Enerflo throughout the flow. | Sales Org | New Appointment Example |
Update Appointment | update_appointment | If more information is added or changed to an existing appointment for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | Update Appointment Example |
Confirm Appointment | confirm_appointment | When an appointment confirmed by customer/lead. | Sales Org | |
Delete Appointment | delete_appointment | When an appointment is cancelled by partner. | Sales Org | |
Complete Survey | complete_survey | The survey/deal is completed after the install has been completed for the customer/lead. | Sales Org | Complete Survey Example |
New Survey | new_survey | After a customer/lead is created a survey/deal can be made in Enerflo. | Sales Org | |
Update Survey | update_survey | If more information is added or changed to an existing survey/deal for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Both | |
Site Survey Complete | site_survey_complete | After an agreement is create a site survey can be completed before or after the customer/lead signs the agreement. | Sales Org | Site Survey Complete Example |
New Survey File | new_survey_file | After a survey/deal has been created for a customer/lead new files can be added to said survey/deal. | Both | |
New Proposal | new_proposal | Once a design is completed a proposal is made for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | New Proposal Example |
Update Proposal | update_proposal | If significant data is added or changed to an existing survey/deal for a customer/lead in Enerflo and the view proposal button has been clicked. | Sales Org | Update Proposal Example |
New Note | new_note | When a new note is created for a customer. Be mindful of the distinction between this event and the new_install_note event. | Sales Org | New Customer Note Example |
Update Note | update_note | If more information is added or changed to an existing note for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | |
New Design Request | new_design_request | After a survey/deal has been created a design request can be made for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Both | |
Updated Design Request | updated_design_request | If more information is added or changed to an existing design request for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Both | |
New Agreement | new_agreement | After a proposal has been created an agreement can be made for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | |
Update Agreement | update_agreement | If more information is added or changed to an existing agreement for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Sales Org | Update Agreement Example |
Signed Agreement | signed_agreement | This event is emitted after all parties involved in the agreement signing process have successfully signed the document. This includes the primary signer and any designated secondary signers. | Sales Org | Signed Agreement Example |
Delete Agreement | delete_agreement | If information is incorrect or not to the customer/lead\s approval an existing agreement can be deleted in Enerflo. | Sales Org | |
Project Milestone Created | project_milestone_created | After an agreement is signed and an install has been created multiple milestones can be made to show the customer/lead the progress of an install. | Both | Project Milestone Created Example |
Project Milestone Updated | project_milestone_updated | If more information is added or changed to an existing milestone for a customer/lead in Enerflo. | Both | Project Milestone Updated Example |
Contract Processed | contract_processed | There is an optional admin setting to enable Processed by Admin. When set, admins have a manual step that is completed by an admin after an agreement is signed. This event occurs when the admin clicks the "Contract Processed" button indicating this requirement has been satisfied. The contract_processed event triggers when that button is clicked. | EPC | |
Update Lender Application | update_lender_application | If more information is added or changed to an existing lender application. This step happens after a proposal has been created for a customer/lead. This event only triggers for Integrated lenders. | Sales Org | |
CallPilot Welcome Call Completed | callpilot_welcome_call_completed | Triggered when a welcome call is completed in CallPilot. | Both |
Updated 29 days ago