Update Install Example
This document provides a detailed explanation of the payload structure for a POST request to the "/" endpoint. The payload consists of various fields representing different entities such as company, customer, office, epc_market, formattedFields, solarData, additional data. Each section below details the purpose and structure of the fields.
Value Name | Description | Value Type |
id | Enerflo install ID | integer |
epc_company_id | The identifier for the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) company associated with this record | integer |
company_id | The identifier for the company that owns the record. | integer |
editor_company_id | The identifier for the company that edited the record. | integer |
office_id | The identifier for the office associated with this record. | integer |
epc_market_id | The identifier for the market where the EPC company operates. | integer |
customer_id | The identifier for the customer associated with this Install. | integer |
survey_type_id | The identifier for the type of survey being conducted. | integer |
survey_id | The unique identifier for the survey. | integer |
site_survey_id | The unique identifier for the site survey, if available. null if not applicable. | integer |
agent_id | The identifier for the agent associated with the survey. | integer |
agreement_id | The unique identifier for the agreement related to the survey. | integer |
created_at | The timestamp when the record was created. | string |
updated_at | The timestamp when the record was last updated. | string |
deleted_at | The timestamp when the record was deleted, if applicable. null if the record is active. | string or null |
status_id | The identifier for the status of the record. | integer |
agreement_url | The URL link to the agreement document associated with the survey. | string |
survey_url | The URL link to the survey menu. | string |
proposal_url | The URL link to the survey report proposal. | string |
customer | An object containing comprehensive information about a customer, including personal details, contact information, and various associated metadata. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
office | An object containing detailed information about a specific office associated with the customer or company. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
epc_market | An object containing detailed information about a specific market associated with the company. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
formattedFields | An object containing detailed information about specific fields and their values associated with a survey. | object |
solarData | An object containing detailed information about the solar energy system being installed, including the system's components, costs, and financing details. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
integrations | An object containing data related to external integrations. Here is a detailed breakdown of the integrations object and its fields. | object |
surveyData | An object containing detailed information about the survey related to the install. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
driveFolders | an object containing information about various Google Drive folders associated with the project. | object |
installAgreement | Contains information about the installation agreement related to the project. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
current_milestone | Contains information about the current milestone in a project. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
all_milestones | An array containing all milestones related to the project, each with specific details. | array |
eventName | The name of the event that triggered the current action or record. It typically indicates the type of operation or status change in the system. | string |
agent | An object containing detailed information about the agent associated with the event. Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
company | An object containing information about the company associated with the event or project.Here is a detailed description of each key-value pair within the object. | object |
milestones | A list containing information about the milestones associated with the install. | array |
"body": {
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"company_id": 0000,
"editor_company_id": 0000,
"office_id": 0000,
"epc_market_id": 0000,
"customer_id": 0000,
"survey_type_id": 0000,
"survey_id": 0000,
"site_survey_id": null,
"agent_id": 0000,
"agreement_id": 0000,
"created_at": "2024-08-09 15:31:41",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09 15:31:41",
"deleted_at": null,
"status_id": 1,
"agreement_url": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets.enerflo.io/agreements/agreement.pdf",
"survey_url": "https://enerflo.io/survey/menu/0000",
"proposal_url": "https://enerflo.io/surveyreport/show/enerflo/123456",
"customer": {
"company_id": 0000,
"office_id": 0000,
"creator_id": 00000,
"agent_id": 00000,
"setter_id": null,
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"last_name": "LastName",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "0000000000",
"secondary_first_name": "",
"secondary_last_name": "",
"secondary_mobile": "",
"secondary_email": "",
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"state": "CA",
"zip": "92605",
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"lng": "-117.998970",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
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"external_id": null,
"lead_source": "Facebook",
"meta_data": {
"class": "App\\Http\\Controllers\\CustomerController",
"method": "in_app",
"function": "addCustomer",
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"primary_sms_supported": 0,
"invalidEmailNotificationSent": 1
"status_id": -1,
"lead_router_id": null,
"referral_id": null,
"deleted_at": null,
"language": "en_US",
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"deleted_by": null,
"fullName": "FirstName LastName",
"id": 0000000,
"created": "2024-08-09T15:26:39+00:00",
"updated": "2024-08-13T20:23:39+00:00",
"fullState": "California",
"fullAddress": "123 Main St., Huntington Beach, CA 92605",
"status_name": null,
"created_by_name": "Enerflo Admin",
"created_by_email": "[email protected]",
"created_by_phone": "(000) 000-0000",
"creator": {
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"last_name": "Admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "0000000000",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"id": 00001
"integrations": {
"Enerflo V2": {
"EnerfloV2Customer": {
"integration_record_id": "0ab00a00-0000-000a-000d-0cc000dc0000",
"record_type": "EnerfloV2Customer",
"enerflo_id": 000000,
"last_synced": "2024-08-09T15:26:39+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09T15:26:39+00:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-09T15:26:39+00:00"
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"last_name": "Admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"valid_email": 1,
"phone": "1111111111",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"is_active": 1,
"id": 00000,
"meta": {
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"solo_email": "[email protected]",
"intercom_id": "00c0caa0d0e00000000b0ae0",
"aurora_email": null,
"is_view_only": "0",
"allow_optimus": "1",
"notifications": {
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"valid_email_ts": "2024-07-17 23:53:39",
"has_valid_email": 1,
"solo_email_3104": "[email protected]",
"sales_rep_license": null,
"can_create_customers": "1",
"primary_sms_supported": 0,
"can_create_manual_installs": "1",
"create_update_change_order": "1"
"office": {
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"office_id": 0001,
"office_city": "Huntington Beach",
"office_address": "1234 Main St.",
"office_zip": "92605",
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"office_state": "CA",
"sms_number": "0000000000"
"company": {
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"company_address": "1234 Main St.",
"company_city": "Huntington Beach",
"company_state": "CA",
"company_zip": "92605",
"company_email": "[email protected]",
"company_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
"customer_notes": "",
"futureAppointments": [],
"customer_portal_url": "https://enerflo.io/us/A1BC01",
"customer_google_drive_folder": "https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/",
"surveys": {
"Enerflo Solar - v2 Manual Deal": {
"name": "Enerflo Solar - v2 Manual Deal",
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"id": 0000000,
"install": {
"id": 0000000,
"status": null,
"created_at": 4429729,
"updated_at": 4429729
"loan_application_details": {
"lender": "N/A",
"application_status": "N/A",
"application_date": "N/A"
"office": {
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"company_id": 0000,
"office_name": "Enerflo Solar Office",
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"sms_number": "",
"office_address": "123 Main St",
"office_city": "Huntington Beach",
"office_state": "CA",
"office_zip": "92605",
"lat": "33.660057",
"lng": "-117.998970",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"meta_data": {
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"disabled_deal_type": [],
"restrict_deal_type": null,
"default_lead_source": null,
"disable_user_creation": null
"created_at": "2023-01-13 19:54:04",
"updated_at": "2024-07-01 16:17:25",
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"office_logo": null,
"deleted_at": null
"epc_market": {
"id": 000000,
"epc_company_id": 0000,
"created_at": "2023-01-18 14:42:17",
"updated_at": "2023-01-18 14:42:17",
"market_name": "California",
"market_address": "123 Main St",
"market_city": "Huntington Beach",
"market_state": "CA",
"market_zip": "92605",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"crm_id": "000000",
"disable_inherit": 0,
"second_look": 0,
"lng": "-117.998970",
"lat": "33.660057"
"formattedFields": {
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"survey_id": 000000,
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"field_value": "No",
"system_created": 0,
"system_modified": 0,
"created_at": "2024-08-11 23:35:01",
"updated_at": "2024-08-11 23:35:01",
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"order": 18,
"bg_color": "#eeeeee",
"font_color": "#000000",
"meta_data": {
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"options": [
"Yes Received",
"Yes - Unusable",
"created_at": "2024-03-15 13:34:34",
"updated_at": "2024-07-29 15:22:05"
"ntp": {
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"survey_id": 00000,
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"system_modified": 0,
"created_at": "2024-08-13 14:15:23",
"updated_at": "2024-08-13 14:15:23",
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"bg_color": "#eeeeee",
"font_color": "#000000",
"meta_data": {
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"updated_at": "2024-06-11 14:54:34"
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"system_modified": 0,
"created_at": "2024-08-13 14:15:23",
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"bg_color": "#eeeeee",
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"meta_data": {
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"visibleOnDash": "1"
"created_at": "2024-01-16 16:08:33",
"updated_at": "2024-06-11 14:54:34"
"solarData": {
"system_size": 4.05,
"offset": 0.1,
"panel_count": 10,
"panel": {
"id": 0000,
"company_id": 0000,
"name": "Solar Panel: Panel Model",
"model": "Panel Model",
"manufacturer": "Solar Panel",
"width": 900,
"length": 1000,
"watts": 405,
"meta_data": {
"aurora_name": null,
"solo_module_id": "0000",
"sunnova_panel_id": null,
"dividend_panel_id": null,
"sighten_module_id": null,
"sunnova_panel_name": null,
"dividend_panel_name": null,
"exclude_from_rebate": false,
"solar_success_module_id": null,
"solar_success_module_name": null
"solar_degradation": 0.54,
"spec_sheet_url": null,
"created_at": "2023-08-16 20:56:42",
"updated_at": "2023-10-31 14:07:57",
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"all_dealers": 1,
"all_lenders": 1,
"active": 1,
"price_adder": null,
"crm_id": null,
"price_cost": null
"inverter": {
"id": 0000,
"company_id": 0000,
"name": "Inverter Man.: Inverter Model",
"model": "Inverter Model",
"manufacturer": "Inverter Man.",
"meta_data": {
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"nominal_rating": null,
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"sunnova_inverter_id": null,
"dividend_inverter_id": null,
"sunnova_inverter_name": null,
"dividend_inverter_name": null,
"solar_success_inverter_id": null,
"solar_success_inverter_name": null
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"created_at": "2023-01-28 00:35:33",
"updated_at": "2023-04-24 17:51:14",
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"all_dealers": 1,
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"price_adder": null,
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"created_at": "2023-01-28 00:35:33",
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"fixed_cost": "0.00",
"crm_id": null
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"system_production": 14,
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"ppw_net": 1.98,
"ppw_base_start": 4.938271604938271,
"fed_tax_rebate": 6000,
"rebates": [],
"net_cost": 8000,
"finance_method": "Cash",
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"finance_code": "Cash_0yr_0",
"finance_details": {
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"term": 0,
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"monthlypaymentAdjusted": 0,
"monthlypaymentEscalated": 0
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"finance_ppw": 1.98,
"panel_type": false,
"enerflo_install_id": 4429729,
"down_payment": null,
"adders": {
"Cellular Modem (solo deals)": {
"id": 0001,
"qty": 1,
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"name": "Cellular Modem (solo deals)",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 500,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 500,
"costAfterFees": 500,
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"contract_show_adder_price": null
"Electrical Engineering Stamp": {
"id": 0002,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 300,
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"type": "VALUE",
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"base_cost": 300,
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"contract_show_adder_price": null
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"contract_show_adder_price": null
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"costAfterFees": 300,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
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"cost": 0
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"costAfterFees": 500,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 0002,
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"cost": 300,
"name": "Electrical Engineering Stamp",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 300,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 300,
"costAfterFees": 300,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
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"active": 1,
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"costAfterFees": 300,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 0004,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 300,
"name": "Multiple Arrays",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
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"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 300,
"costAfterFees": 300,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"valueAddersList": [
"Cellular Modem (solo deals)",
"Electrical Engineering Stamp",
"Foundation Stamp (solo deals)",
"Multiple Arrays"
"valueAddersCost": 1400,
"valueAddersCostList": [
"valueAddersCostAfterFeesList": [
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"systemAddersList": [],
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"systemAddersCostList": [],
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"soloAddersList": [],
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"customAddersList": [],
"customAddersCost": 0,
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"equipmentAddersList": [],
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"inverterAdderFixedCost": "0.00",
"equipmentAddersCost": 0,
"batteryAdders": [],
"batteryNames": "",
"batteryQty": 0,
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"allAddersCost": 0,
"allAddersCostList": "",
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"adders_list": ""
"integrations": {
"CRM Record Type": {
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"record_type": "CRM Record Type",
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"last_synced": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00"
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"epc_company_id": 3104,
"survey_type_id": 6648,
"survey_type_name": "Rack Solar - v2 Manual Deal",
"survey_hash": "49631efe-e626-4d8f-842d-c320189faa41",
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"agent_email": "[email protected]",
"integrations": {
"Enerflo V2": {
"EnerfloV2Deal": {
"integration_record_id": "4e17d576-56ab-414c-bfb8-50a618d39ee5",
"record_type": "EnerfloV2Deal",
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"last_synced": "2024-08-09T15:31:37+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09T15:31:37+00:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-09T15:27:27+00:00"
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"survey_type_id": 6648,
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"site_survey_id": null,
"agent_id": 35984,
"agreement_id": 595950,
"created_at": "2024-08-09 15:31:41",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09 15:31:41",
"deleted_at": null,
"status_id": 1
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"completed_by_name": "Nika Rivera",
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"user_completed_by_name": "Nika Rivera",
"user_completed_by_email": "[email protected]",
"last_updated_by_id": null,
"last_updated_by_name": "",
"last_updated_by_email": "",
"created_at": "2024-08-09T15:27:27+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09T15:31:37+00:00",
"utility": {
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"utility_name": "Florida Power and Light",
"utility_short_name": "Florida Power and Light",
"tags": [],
"company_alias": null,
"crm_id": null
"external_customer_id": null,
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"survey_hash": "123abc64-0123-12ab-123a-123456abc45",
"agent_name": "Enerflo Admin",
"agent_email": "[email protected]",
"integrations": {
"CRM Record Type": {
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"record_type": "CRM Record Type",
"enerflo_id": 000000,
"last_synced": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-09T15:33:36+00:00"
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"created_at": "2024-08-09 15:31:41",
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"completed_by_email": "[email protected]",
"user_completed_by_id": "0000",
"user_completed_by_name": "Enerflo Admin",
"user_completed_by_email": "[email protected]",
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"last_updated_by_name": "",
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Updated 5 months ago