What is Enerflo "V2" ?

In 2023, Enerflo released a significant upgrade to our core platform —Enerflo V2— introducing enhanced features and seamless native integrations within the Enerflo Deal experience.

If you're using enerflo.io today, you're already benefiting from a hybrid model that blends the best of V1 and V2 within a unified UI. Chances are, you’re unaware of the underlying version differences.

However, when working with data services, the distinction between V1 and V2 becomes more evident, as each version has its own API and distinct event platforms. Depending on your specific use case and the data you're accessing, you may need to interact with both.

Deal flow using Enerflo v1

Figure 1) Prior to the V2 upgrade in late 2023, all Enerflo data objects existed as "v1" objects and were accessed with the v1 API and v1 Webhooks.

Deal flow using Enerflo v2-hybrid

Figure 2) Today's blended/hybrid model combines events and APIs from both Enerflo Versions.

The Deal object is the primary subject of Enerflo v2. Data interactions with Enerflo v2 use the Enerflo 2.0 GraphQL API and the Enerflo 2.0 Events.

In time, the Customer and Install objects will also be upgraded and brought into Enerflo V2, thereby increasing platform stability, security, creating a more robust platform.