Install Agreement Object

Contains information about the installation agreement related to the project.

Table of installAgreement Object

Value NameDescriptionValue Type
idUnique identifier for the installation agreement.integer
survey_idUnique identifier for the survey associated with the installation agreement.integer
company_idUnique identifier for the company involved in the agreement.integer
agent_idUnique identifier for the agent who managed the agreement.integer
agreement_statusStatus of the installation agreement.string
agreement_filePath to the PDF file of the signed installation agreement.string
sign_dateDate and time when the agreement was signed.string
agreement_hashHash value representing the agreement for verification purposes.string

Example of installAgreement Object

"installAgreement": {
			"id": 00000,
			"survey_id": 000000,
			"company_id": 0000,
			"agent_id": 0000,
			"agreement_status": "Completed",
			"agreement_file": "agreements/EnerfloSolar/Solar_Uploaded_Agreement.pdf",
			"sign_date": "08/09/2024 @11:31 am",
			"agreement_hash": "123abc456def789ghi"