Install Object
Contains detailed information about the installation.. This includes the company’s contact information, location, and various settings.
Table of Company Object
Value Name | Description | Value Type |
id | Unique installation ID. | integer |
epc_company_id | ID of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) company. | integer |
company_id | The company managing the installation. | integer |
customer_id | Customer ID associated with the installation. | integer |
survey_id | Survey ID related to the site survey conducted. | integer |
created_at | Date and time when the installation was created. | timestamp |
updated_at | Date and time when the installation was last updated. | timestamp |
status_id | Numerical representation of the installation status. | integer |
agreement_url | URL to the signed agreement document. | string |
survey_url | URL to the site survey details. | string |
proposal_url | URL to the proposal report. | string |
epc_market | Contains details about the market where the installation takes place.Here is a detailed breakdown of the epc_market object and its fields. | object |
formattedFields | An array containing detailed information about specific fields and their values associated with a survey. | array |
solarData | Contains details about the solar system being installed. Here is a detailed breakdown of the epc_market object and its fields. | object |
Example of Company Object
"install": {
"id": 1324567,
"epc_company_id": 1234,
"company_id": 1234,
"editor_company_id": 1234,
"office_id": null,
"epc_market_id": 123456,
"customer_id": 1234567,
"survey_type_id": 0000,
"survey_id": 12345678,
"site_survey_id": null,
"agent_id": 123456,
"agreement_id": 123456,
"created_at": "2024-08-07 23:59:41",
"updated_at": "2024-09-16 18:40:42",
"deleted_at": null,
"status_id": 4,
"agreement_url": "",
"survey_url": "",
"proposal_url": "",
"office": null,
"epc_market": {
"id": 0123456,
"epc_company_id": 0123,
"created_at": "2023-06-16 20:27:12",
"updated_at": "2023-06-16 20:27:12",
"market_name": "Utah",
"market_address": null,
"market_city": null,
"market_state": null,
"market_zip": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver",
"crm_id": null,
"disable_inherit": 0,
"second_look": 0,
"lng": null,
"lat": null
"formattedFields": [],
"solarData": {
"system_size": 3.6,
"offset": 46.3,
"panel_count": 10,
"panel": {
"id": 0123,
"company_id": 0123,
"name": "Enphase: Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G10 + 360",
"model": "Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G10 + 360",
"manufacturer": "Enphase",
"width": 1045,
"length": 1879,
"watts": 360,
"meta_data": null,
"solar_degradation": 0.005,
"spec_sheet_url": null,
"created_at": "2024-03-20 20:05:05",
"updated_at": "2024-03-20 20:05:05",
"all_offices": 1,
"all_markets": 1,
"all_dealers": 0,
"all_lenders": 1,
"active": 1,
"price_adder": null,
"crm_id": null,
"price_cost": null
"inverter": {
"id": 0123,
"company_id": 0123,
"name": "Sol-Ark: Sol-Ark-12K-P",
"model": "Sol-Ark-12K-P",
"manufacturer": "Sol-Ark",
"meta_data": null,
"max_efficiency": 0.96,
"created_at": "2024-03-20 20:05:05",
"updated_at": "2024-03-20 20:05:05",
"is_microinverter": 0,
"all_offices": 1,
"all_markets": 1,
"all_dealers": 0,
"all_lenders": 1,
"active": 1,
"price_adder": null,
"fixed_cost": "0.00",
"crm_id": null
"inveter_count": 1,
"inverter_count": 1,
"system_production": 5272,
"system_cost": 10800,
"system_adder_cost": 39150,
"total_system_cost": 49950,
"total_loan_cost": 49950,
"total_net_loan_cost": 19980,
"total_cash_cost": 10800,
"ppw": 13.88,
"ppw_net": 5.55,
"ppw_base_start": 3,
"fed_tax_rebate": 14985,
"rebates": [],
"net_cost": 19980,
"finance_method": "Cash",
"finance_id": 0123,
"finance_code": "Cash_0yr_0",
"finance_details": {
"apr": 0,
"term": 0,
"balance": 49950,
"termYears": 0,
"totalinterest": -49950,
"monthlypayment": 0,
"monthlypaymentInitial": 0,
"monthlypaymentAdjusted": 0,
"monthlypaymentEscalated": 0
"dealer_fee_percent": 0,
"dealer_fee_amount": 0,
"finance_ppw": 5.55,
"panel_type": false,
"enerflo_install_id": 123456,
"down_payment": null,
"adders": {
"Small System Adder (under 5kW)": {
"id": 123456,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 500,
"name": "Small System Adder (under 5kW)",
"type": "SYSTEM",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 500,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 500,
"costAfterFees": 500,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"EV Charger ": {
"id": 0123,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 2500,
"name": "EV Charger ",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 2500,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 2500,
"costAfterFees": 2500,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"Travel Adder": {
"id": 15635,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 360,
"name": "Travel Adder",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 360,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 360,
"costAfterFees": 360,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"discounts": 0,
"travel_adder": {
"ppw": 0,
"cost": 0
"allAdders": {
"valueAdders": [
"id": 123456,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 500,
"name": "Small System Adder (under 5kW)",
"type": "SYSTEM",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 500,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 500,
"costAfterFees": 500,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 123465,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 100,
"name": "Concierge Fee",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 100,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 100,
"costAfterFees": 100,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 123456,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 2500,
"name": "EV Charger ",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 2500,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 2500,
"costAfterFees": 2500,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 12345,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 360,
"name": "Travel Adder",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 360,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 360,
"costAfterFees": 360,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 1234,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 25000,
"name": "Storage Packages 15kw ",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 25000,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 25000,
"costAfterFees": 25000,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 32156,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 150,
"name": "Margin ",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 150,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 150,
"costAfterFees": 150,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"id": 32165,
"qty": 1,
"cost": 10000,
"name": "MPU",
"type": "VALUE",
"active": 1,
"base_cost": 10000,
"company_cost": 0,
"offset_value": 0,
"single_price": 10000,
"costAfterFees": 10000,
"contract_hide_adder": null,
"contract_show_adder_price": null
"valueAddersList": [
"Small System Adder (under 5kW)",
"Concierge Fee",
"EV Charger ",
"Travel Adder",
"Storage Packages 15kw ",
"Margin ",
"valueAddersCost": 38610,
"valueAddersCostList": [
"valueAddersCostAfterFeesList": [
"systemAdders": [],
"systemAddersList": [],
"systemAddersCost": 0,
"systemAddersCostList": [],
"soloAdders": null,
"soloAddersList": [],
"soloNamesAddersList": [],
"soloAddersCost": 0,
"customAdders": [],
"customAddersList": [],
"customAddersCost": 0,
"equipmentAdders": [],
"equipmentAddersList": [],
"panelAdderPpw": null,
"inverterAdderPpw": 0,
"inverterAdderFixedCost": "0.00",
"equipmentAddersCost": 0,
"batteryAdders": [],
"batteryNames": "",
"batteryQty": 0,
"batteryCost": 0,
"batteryCostAfterFees": 0
"allAddersList": "Small System Adder (under 5kW), EV Charger , Travel Adder",
"allAddersCost": 38610,
"allAddersCostList": "500, 100, 2500, 360, 25000, 150, 10000",
"needs_mpu": "no",
"needs_roof": "no",
"adders_list": ""
Updated 3 months ago